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Out of the Box

Problem: Creating a Model Kit Service company from the ground up.

Role: Co-founder, CEO, Customer Experience Designer

Company: Out of the Box Models

Date: April 2017-Present

A 3D Printing and custom model kit service company. Dan is a co-founder and mastermind behind the groundbreaking concept.  For the first time ever, model builders and aspiring creators can get the services they need to create, manufacture and sell their own model kits.  

In addition to designing the customer experience, Dan has been continually innovating and pushing the boundaries of technology to delver the cutting edge and  competitive services to Out of the Box's customers.   

We went to club meetings on both the East and West Coast, and interviewed hobbyists, to understand what kinds of services they would be interested in.  From there were went and gathered more data from various online forums. Once we had the information we needed we went on to find vendors to help us fulfill each service that our potential users had requested. Once everything was set, we launched in April of 2017, accepting almost 40 commissions for customer designed model kits in out first year.

We were quick to roll out a website on Shopify to sell the models that our customers commissioned, but are already in the process of designing a new, customer site to expand out business further with even more services. 
